Dear Speculators, One thing for sure this week is that the monetary policy committee will not be short of hot topics to discuss during the upcoming meeting. From big global events in developed markets like the surge in the euro since Macron's victory in France to political uncertainty in Britain as the parliamentary elections draws closer and finally to Trump's row with the intelligence community that is weakening the dollar. Some more interesting topics like the possibility of a second impeachment of a Brazilian President in less than two years and military unrest in Ivory Coast that is driving up cocoa prices will also be on the table. Troubling news closer to home is the current crude oil price spending more time below $50 than above it as OPEC tries it's best to manage the oil glut. Still none of these issues rocks the monetary policy boat as much as the proposed 2017 budget of 7.44 trillion Naira currently on the President's desk. Why? The government pl...