Dear Speculators, The wait is over, we anticipated bad news and we got it. Our fears have become reality, the economy has continued to back slide and Nigeria has officially tipped into a recession. Not that this surprises anyone though. Falling oil prices, dollar scarcity, exploding oil pipelines, massive labour retrenchment and import restrictions have all contributed their fair share to weaken growth in Nigeria's economy. However, the stock market arguably has had it worse than the general economy this year as the market is currently down about 3.8 percent against an economy contraction of 2.06 percent in the second quarter. A closer analysis of the stock market brings to light some intriguing statistics. The largest 49 companies in the stock market account for 97% of the total stock market capitalization. 41 companies of the 49 sell at an average of 22x earnings. Only 49 companies out of a total of 171 companies trading on the Nigerian Stock Exchange are valued above ...